Can a bank or credit union refuse to open a checking account for me?
Can a bank or credit union refuse to open a checking account for me? Yes. There are a number of reasons why a bank or […]
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I opened a “free” checking account. I received a notice from th...
I opened a “free” checking account. I received a notice from the bank/credit union stating that it had decided to start charging monthly fees. Can […]
56 total views, 0 today
My bank/credit union cashed a post-dated check even though I told them abou...
My bank/credit union cashed a post-dated check even though I told them about the post-dated check before they received it. What can I do? Generally, […]
65 total views, 0 today
The bank/credit union is charging high service, activity, maintenance, or o...
The bank/credit union is charging high service, activity, maintenance, or other fees on my checking account. Can the bank/credit union do this? Yes, but your […]
52 total views, 0 today
The bank or credit union raised the fees on my checking account. Can the ba...
The bank or credit union raised the fees on my checking account. Can the bank or credit union do this? Yes, but your bank or […]
46 total views, 0 today
Can the bank/credit union put a new fee on my checking account?
Can the bank/credit union put a new fee on my checking account? Yes, except that in most cases, your bank or credit union must give […]
47 total views, 0 today
I wrote a check to someone but it was stolen. The thief forged the indorsem...
I wrote a check to someone but it was stolen. The thief forged the indorsement on the check and then cashed it. My bank/credit union […]
44 total views, 0 today
I lost a check written to me. Someone forged my signature on the back of th...
I lost a check written to me. Someone forged my signature on the back of the check and then cashed it. What can I do? […]
47 total views, 0 today
The bank/credit union stopped paying interest on my money market account be...
The bank/credit union stopped paying interest on my money market account because I wrote too many checks. Can the bank do this? Maybe. You can […]
45 total views, 0 today
The bank/credit union stopped paying interest on my passbook/statement savi...
The bank/credit union stopped paying interest on my passbook/statement savings account because I made too many withdrawals. Can the bank do this? Passbook savings and […]
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