Individual taxpayer identification number (ITIN)
Individual taxpayer identification number (ITIN) An ITIN is an identification number that you get from the Internal Revenue Service. An ITIN is only available for […]
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Guardian of property
What is a guardian of property? A guardian of property is someone the court names to manage money and property for someone else whom the […]
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Deposit hold
Deposit hold The amount of time a bank or credit union holds funds you deposit by check is sometimes referred to as a “deposit hold” […]
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Demand draft
What is a demand draft, telephone check, or preauthorized draft? A demand draft allows someone to withdraw money from your checking account without your signature. […]
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Certificate of deposit (CD) rollover
What is a certificate of deposit (CD) rollover or renewal? A rollover or renewal can occur at the end of the term of a CD. […]
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Certificate of deposit (CD)
What is a certificate of deposit (CD)? A Certificate Deposit, or CD, is a special type of savings account offered by banks or credit unions. […]
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Automatic debit payment
Automatic debit payment With automatic debits, you give your permission to the company to take the payments directly from your bank account. This is different […]
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Automated Clearing House (ACH)
Automated Clearing House (ACH) An Automated Clearing House (ACH) authorization is a payment authorization that gives the lender permission to electronically take money from your […]
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